Concordia - page 2

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Sandy Lodge, Northwood, Middlesex
HA6 2HT, Tel: +44 (0)1923 820644
Jon Rippier
Contributing editors:
Chris Roseblade,
Nick Latham
Alison Dawson, Sandra Sansom
3Sixty, Ding Ding Photography,
Geraint Lewis, Jonah Surkes (5ths)
Designed & produced by:
3Sixty Creative
Cover image:
Boris Karloff (1942)
Jon Rippier
In this edition we focus on the world
of film as we hear fromOMT actors,
writers, producers and directors. I should
like to begin by thanking Sara Karloff,
daughter of the great Boris Karloff, and his
official biographer Stephen Jacobs. Sara’s
interview and Stephen’s article reveal
another side to a man who appeared not
only as the iconic monster in Frankenstein
but produced such a great and varied
body of work. I am indebted to the many
other contributors who symbolise the
extraordinary creative talents of OMTs
within the film industry, particularly Nigel
Lindsay and Riz Ahmed, both of whom
recently starred in the award-winning
comedy Four Lions.
As StephenWright’s Head Mastership
comes to a close, we pay tribute to his nine
years of outstanding service to Merchant
Taylors’ with contributions from former
Chair of Governors Sir Geoffrey Holland
and Second Master Dr. Tim Stubbs. We
also welcome incoming Head Master
Simon Everson.
We continue to try to reach as many alumni
as possible – please feel free to send us
addresses of OMTs who would like to receive
Concordia. Lastly, we welcome your feedback
so do let us know if there is anything you
would like to see appear in the magazine.
Dear reader
E-mail Concordia at
The Chamber Choir singing Bruckner’s
Christus factus est
at the Annual Concert at Merchant Taylors’ Hall
1 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,...56
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