Merchant Taylors’ School
Class notes:
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WilliamBaker (1951-1955)
is a
CharteredSurveyor and recently retired
asDirector of SloughEstates (nowSegro)
plc. He is anUnderwritingMember of
Lloyds andChairmanof Fallings Park
Industrial Estate Ltd andNettledene Ltd.
He enjoys squash, golf andhill walkingas
well as travelling to see family and friends
in theUS, Australia andNewZealand.
JonathanBaker (1978-1984),
formally, The Rt Revd JonathanBaker
was ordainedBishop in June 2011. He is
the Bishop of FulhamandGuildVicar
of the Parish of St Dunstan-in-the-West,
Fleet Street. He is living in London.
RobinBradbury (1937-1943)
“Some of themostmemorable sessions
atMTS that I enjoyedwere the “Three
Sixths” - the only timewe sat together
- on a Friday afternoon, withNorman
Birley in the chair in the Physics Lecture
Theatrewhenwe learned how tomove
an amendment to an amendment or refer
it back as themood took you.
In the subsequent seventy years I
have served almost without a break
as an electedmember on three Parish
Councils, one Rural District Council and
aCountyCouncil and enjoyed practically
everyminute of it. “StandingOrders”
have a fascination all of their own....not
enjoyed bymany, but invaluable in a
difficult and tense situation.
My time atMTSwas followed by a
B.Sc. inCivil Engineering at Bristol and
then two years as a StaffCaptainR.E.
(RailwaysOperating) at BAORGHQ.
Mymain career followed inPublicWorks
contracting, mostly in the Bath /Bristol
area. I amnowat pasture inRadstock,
Andrew Binstock (1989-1994)
is a professional auctioneer. He is a director of
Auction House London – specialist property auctioneers.
Martin Cook (1971-1976)
has designed
The Mindfulness Garden for the Chelsea
Flower Show. The garden will be in the
Fresh Gardens section. In the photo
Martin is etching the lettering into a
Cumbrian Slate Spiral Carving which is
in the corner of the garden.