Concordia - page 48

Merchant Taylors’ School
Class notes:
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The World Rugby Museum in
Twickenham is working on a project in
advance of 2015. The project relates to the
27 names commemorated on the RFU’s
memorial board at Twickenham in respect
of England internationals who perished in
WW1. John Edward Raphael OMT was one
of these. He is remembered at the school on
the plaque commemorating fallen OMTs
outside the Great Hall. It also transpires
that there is a memorial to him in St Jude
on the Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb
Below is an extract the school was able to
send to Twickenham to aid their research
from the School Register 1561 – 1934.
John Edward Raphael 1896-1901 b.
30.4.1882 s. of Albert and Harriette, of
Brendon, Lewin Road, Streatham; capt.
Sch XV and XI; Andrew Exhib, of St John’s
Coll. Oxf. 1901; BA 1905; capt. OMT FC;
Rugby and cricket blue; English Rugby
international; barr at law, Linc. Inn 1908;
(W.); H.A.C.; Lt K R Rif. C.; d. of wounds
OMT rugby
star J.E.
Sam Katz (2004-2009)
currently a student at
Loughborough University, and
playing for Rosslyn Park this
season has been selected for the
England Students Rugby squad.
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