Chamber Choir Choral Evensong at Guildford Cathedral

The Chamber Choir set out on their second foray into the provinces for Music Week, this time to Guildford Cathedral.

Our charabanc set off at about 11am and, having gently misjudged our timings, we arrived with a comfortable two hours to have lunch and play various games on the verdant green which sits to the west of the Cathedral. The building itself is of unusual design, and took about thirty years to be completed. It is constructed in brick of a similar hue to Merchant Taylors’, and likewise the tracery is in stone. The interior almost belies the outside, being very light, with whitewashed walls and very little stained glass.

Some reports about the organ led to some concerns about its reliability, having recently stopped working in the middle of Parry’s I was glad. Forewarned is forearmed, and Mr Collins was well prepared when at the beginning of the Magnificat no chord sounded from the King of Instruments. Descending the spiral staircase to a handily placed upright piano, the Magnificat was thus accompanied. By some marvel the organ was restored during the second lesson, and the Nunc Dimittis was accompanied as usual. The anthem which was chosen was Howells’ Like as the hart, and was particularly splendid in the generous acoustic of Guildford Cathedral. As a voluntary, Mr Collins played Norman Cocker’s ebullient Tuba Tune. Our repast that evening was enjoyed at Wagamama, perhaps a first for a Music Department outing. The restaurant was reached after a twenty minute stroll into the town centre (the cathedral is right on the edge).

Thanks to all involved.

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