The Friends’ Groups at MTS
There has always been a very close relationship between the school and parents of pupils at MTS. Sharing experiences and building community are values that the school cherishes dearly, and with these aims in mind the school is committed to building upon the fantastic support we currently receive from the Friends of MTS.
Over the years, the Friends’ Groups have evolved into an important part of the MTS experience – helping out at school functions, organising an array of amazing social events and raising funds for great causes. This model has proved to be highly successful historically with Dinner Dances, Quizzes, Ceilidhs, Wine Tasting, Jazz evenings, Christmas Fairs and many more.
Nurturing parental involvement across the broad range of Co-Curricular and Charitable experiences has always been the priority and (although not a focus for these events), any monies raised are always put towards extremely good causes. This includes giving to local, national and school-based charities (such as PHAB); giving bursarial support to ensure as many boys as possible can go on residential trips; and helping to fund the enormous range of Outreach projects the school runs in our local and international communities.
The school remains committed to building even stronger relationships with the MTS parental body in the coming years and a big part of that involves the fantastic support it receives from The Friends of MTS.
Click below to find out about the vibrant array of Friends' Groups at MTS
The Footlighters are a friendly group of parents who support the Drama Department at Merchant Taylors’. They are involved with both senior and junior Drama productions as well as other school events such as the joint musical with St Helen’s and the House Drama Competition. They often organize and sell pre-show and interval refreshments and contribute to the ‘front of house’ welcome.
The Footlighters are also involved in organising Friends’ events during the school year, giving parents the chance to get to know other parents and socialise together regardless of whether their son is involved in drama.
The Footlighters socialise as a group with regular dinners and West End theatre trips. Recent trips have included visits to see ‘Witness for the Prosecution’ and ‘Come from Away’.
The Footlighters are always looking for more people to join. Whether you would like to join the mailing list or get actively involved please do get in touch with them.
Please contact footlighters@mtsn.org.uk
The Ladies Association were founded over 100 years ago by Miss Wilmet Baker, the Headmaster’s daughter, when the school was situated in the City. Her innovative intention was to give all ladies connected with the school the opportunity to be involved in local charity work. Today the Association continues with this founding principle by raising funds for charities in conjunction with the school. But, despite the name, the events are definitely not just for ladies!
The group endeavours to raise monies for the school-nominated charities throughout the year, including PHAB. In recent years, funds have been raised for The Children’s Society, Watford Workshop and Tom’s Trust, mainly through the very successful biennial Christmas Fair. The Association have also recently raised money for the wonderful local Mount Vernon Cancer Care Centre and the Northwood Live at Home scheme through several events including an afternoon tea and a Charity Wine tasting evening.
Used Uniform Sale
On specified Saturdays during the academic year, the Association run second-hand uniform sales. The “shop” is located on the first floor, next to the Great Hall (signposted from Reception on opening days) and is run by Committee Members.
Dates of sales are in the school calendar and also advertised in ‘Scissorum’; in June, the Association hold their Annual Sale on the New Boys’ Induction Day.
Any outgrown/unwanted uniform can be handed in to Reception. 50% or 100%, depending on the donor’s preference, of the selling price is retained by the Ladies’ Association and given to their chosen charities.
The Ladies Association are always looking for people to join.
Please contact LA@mtsn.org.uk
The Longstops is the parent body that supports cricket at Merchant Taylors’. They aim to make the cricket experience at school more enjoyable for both boys and parents by building a community that supports our players at matches and occasionally raises funds through social events.
The Longstops also fields its own cricket team of both current and past parents. This offers an opportunity to socialise and enjoy some cricket, either as a player or as a spectator. The team meets for regular cricket nets at school and plays a number of games against sides, such as the teachers’ ‘Trumpers’ and the OMTs. This is open for any parent to join, regardless of skill or experience, and we are always looking for new members to join.
The Longstops hold an annual Cricket Awards Event at the end of the summer term, which is very well attended by families and staff. They are always keen for new members.
Please contact longstops@mtsn.org.uk
The Scrummers are the parent committee that aims to support rugby and the rugby community at MTS and beyond.
Committee members are often found on the touchline on match days or coffee mornings. The Scrummers have traditionally always helped organise the Friends Dinner Dance which takes place in the Autumn Term annually. This is a wonderful black tie event with a 4 course meal served by the senior rugby team. There is an auction, bar, raffles and dancing to a live band. The event provides a great opportunity to meet other parents and enjoy a well-deserved fun evening out. Everyone is welcome!
The Scrummers are a friendly group and whether or not you are a great rugby player makes little difference. They simply want to welcome people who enjoy the sport and want to help the boys get the most out of their rugby experiences at MTS.
Please contact scrummers@mtsn.org.uk
Merchant Taylors’ has a vibrant music tradition and the Serenaders’ Committee are passionate supporters of the Music Department. If you enjoy attending concerts both formal and informal, are keen to support the Music Department as they provide sensational music opportunities for the boys or would like to meet parents of boys active in the Music Department, then the Serenaders’ is for you!
They are a cheerful group of volunteer parents who help to promote music in the school, help organise a couple of annual social events and assist the Music Department when required. In recent times, events have included Quiz Nights and a Jazz Night.
The Parents Choir
The Parents’ Choir is a choir for parents with sons at Merchant Taylors' or daughters at St Helen's, and their friends. Such is its appeal that many parents of alumni continue to sing in the choir long after their sons have left school! They perform all year round at major school events including the Carol Service in December and the Joint Merchant Taylors’ and St Helen’s Concert in March.
No audition is required. If you enjoy singing, just come along and make new friends. Rehearsals take place on Tuesday evenings at 8pm in the Music Department Recital Hall, beginning after the autumn half term for the Carol Service in the Great Hall in December. Look out for more details in Scissorum.
Please contact serenaders@mtsn.org.uk
The Strikers are the Parents Support Group supporting school hockey. Their purpose is to encourage parent support and commitment which positively impacts the boys’ passion and energy towards developing their hockey skills.
They are often found at pitch-side serving teas and coffees while parents watch their sons play hockey. They also have strong links with the OMT Hockey Club which is a great opportunity for boys to enjoy even more hockey as part of the ‘Hockey Family’.
As part of the strong relationship, the School and OMTs compete annually for the OMT Cup. This is normally the grand finale to the season and is very competitive. The School and OMTHC take it in turns to host the event and over the years it has become a greatly supported occasion by OMTs and parents alike.
Please contact: strikers@mtsn.org.uk
Over recent years, boys at MTS have had more and more opportunities to become involved in Outdoor Education including sailing, ski racing, mountain biking, climbing, shooting, rowing, kayaking, canoeing and stand-up-paddleboarding!
The school is lucky to have several staff that are qualified as canoe, kayak and SUP instructors. Consequently, we are able to train and certify our own students in these disciplines. There are also a number of opportunities for boys in all years to get involved with trips at the weekends or in the school holidays.
The Yardarms is the parent support group that supports these activities and have traditionally been involved in organising various Friends Events such as ceilidhs and BBQs by the lake.
Please contact: yardarms@mtsn.org.uk