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Your Journey to MTS

There is a lot to consider when it comes to making the step to secondary education with your son. Our admissions process is transparent and as stress free as possible giving you peace of mind and ensuring that you have all the time you need to plan and consider your future with Merchant Taylors’ School.

If you have any questions or would like more information get in touch with our admissions team.

Key Dates for Entry at 11+

30th September 2024 - Closing date for Practical Scholarship and Bursary Applications

Practical Scholarships include: Art; Drama; Design, Engineering & Technology (DET); Music and Sport. You can find more information on our practical scholarships program here.

The closing date for Bursary Applications also falls on this date. Bursaries can be applied for independently of scholarships and more information can be found here. You will need to complete the registration form ahead of applying for a Bursary. The form can be found here. 

31st October 2024 - Closing date for 11+ applications

You can submit your initial application at any point by completing the form here. We cannot guarantee any applications submitted after this date will be considered.


30th November & 4th December 2024 - 11+ Exam days

Saturday 30th November
Applicants whose current school is not located within
HA or WD postcode
(reserve day Monday 2nd December)

Wednesday 4th December
Applicants whose current school is located within the
HA or WD postcode
(reserve day Tuesday 3rd December)


The 11+ entrance exam consists of three papers:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • The MTS General Paper

The MTS General Paper is unique to Merchant Taylors' School and as such, specimen papers are not published. You can download example English and Mathematics papers here.

January 2025 - 11+ Interviews

After the written exams, top performing candidates are invited to the school to be interviewed by a member of our admissions team or a senior member of the teaching staff. During this interview we are looking to get to know applicants and learn more about their aspirations, interests and hobbies. They will also discuss areas of academic interest.

Mid-January 2025 - Scholarship Assessments

If you are applying for a practical scholarship your son will be invited to showcase their skill and interest in the subject.  Further details of what is looked for in potential scholars and how the selection process runs can be found on our scholarships page here. 

Mid February 2025 - Place offers sent

At this point you will be notified whether your child has received a place at Merchant Taylors' School. Offers are sent via email and post.  

Early March 2025 - Closing date for acceptance of offers

Upon acceptance of your place at Merchant Taylors' School you will be asked to pay an acceptance deposit to secure your place. More information about this deposit and fees can be found here.

Key Information for Entry at 16+

Visiting the School

Parents are strongly advised to visit the School prior to application. 

Open Mornings take place twice a year, in May and September – a place can be booked here.

Individual tours hosted by a Sixth Former may also be arranged, more details here.

Registration and Deposit

Applicants are normally expected to be 16 years of age by 1st September of the year of entry. 

The deadline for registration is October 7th in the year preceding entry. 

The Registration Fee is £180 (inc. VAT) and the form can be accessed here→.

Assessment Procedure

Assessment has three components:

  1. Written assessments in four subjects intended for study at A level, sat in early November of Year 11.  Candidates will be sent a choices booklet in October and asked to nominate the subjects they wish to study. The assessments will test aptitude for A level study at Merchant Taylors’.
  2. A reference from the applicant’s current school.  This will be requested directly from the school and is completed on a Merchant Taylors’ form. Applicants must also supply a copy of their most recent school report.
  3. There will be interviews with specialists in the subjects that they wish to study at A Level and a general interview with a senior member of staff. The interviews will test academic aptitude and questions may also focus on strengths and weakness that became evident through the examination process. These are held in early December. 

Offers and confirmation of place

Conditional Offers are made on the basis of performance in all three elements of the assessment process and parents will be informed of the outcome in December of Year 11.  Offers are confirmed on receipt of final GCSE (or equivalent) results in August.  Conditional offers will specify the grades necessary for entry to be confirmed.

We do not discriminate against children on the basis of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, disability, SEND, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, or other attributes, as stated in the Equality Act 2010.

The school is obliged to check the identity of each pupil and parents are requested to provide the original of each applicant’s birth certificate so that we can take a copy. This, along with other necessary records, will be stored securely and confidentially.

Practical Scholarships

To register your interest in Art, DE&T, Music and Sports Scholarships, please contact the Admission Office in the first instance, who will arrange for you to have an informal meeting with the relevant Head of Department.


The School welcomes applications from parents whose sons would benefit from attending Merchant Taylors’ School, and who contribute strongly to the life of the community, but who require financial assistance.  Means tested bursarial support is available up to the value of 100% fees.  Parents should request an application form from the Admissions Office and return it with the necessary supporting documentation no later than 30th September in the year preceding entry. Applications will be forwarded to Bursary Administration Limited for assessment.
