Our pupils do amazing things every single day, but behind those achievements are all of the hardworking staff here at Merchant Taylors' School. In…
This week saw our Fourths presenting as groups to teach their class about each plate boundary. Each group presented in unique ways with a rap, video…
After the Middle and Senior School’s standout performances in West Side Story last term, this half term, it’s the Lower School Actors’ turn to shine.…
“Do traditional French cultural values hinder gender equality in France?”
This week at Modern Foreign Languages' Panglossia Club, U6th student of…
Last Thursday, a group of Sixth Form French students went to the BFI to deepen our understanding of the "New Wave" film movement. A lecture led by…
The Third and Upper Third Form boys were lucky to hear Warrant Office Second Class Johnson Beharry VC speak in their Assembly on Monday. Mr Beharry,…
When Mme Danis proposed the idea of competing in ‘Les Joutes Oratoires’ French debating competition at St. Paul’s Girls’, we were sceptical. Having…
We are delighted to report that, over the past two weeks, 11 Upper Sixth pupils have secured offers from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.…
Our pupils do amazing things every single day, but behind those achievements are all of the hardworking staff here at Merchant Taylors' School. In…