LISBA All-Star Basketball Game 2024

Wrapping up the basketball season this year, we had two players from MTS selected for the LISBA All-Star Game 2024, which was played last Friday on 21st June 2024.

Victor C-O (U6) and Andrew E (5ths) were both selected to represent the North London Team after attending the Trial in March. Both our players started the game and demonstrated some amazing skills, driving the team in a close encounter with the South London Team. It was a back and forth game with both teams tearing each other apart with some amazing shots. Victor and Andrew played a majority part of the game and both offered some excellent offensive and defensive contributions.

Andrew played the point guard role for the team, driving the team forward with some great passes to assist his teammates to make some easy lay-ups. Victor equally was tremendous in grabbing the rebounds for the team, and scored some important points under the paint.

It was an entertaining game with both team leading in close margin occasionally. The game ended with the score of 77:91 to the South London Team, showing their resilience and preserving their lead in the last quarter.

It has been a great basketball season this year with some good competitions against the stronger teams from the other school, and with an expansion to the league next year, the game will only get bigger and better. Congratulations to all involved.

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