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Read on to see the role of those pupils who have made an outstanding contribution to their houses and the wider Merchant Taylors' Community in a… More
On Monday, 20th May 2024, the historic Merchant Taylors' Great Hall in Liverpool Street was transformed into an inspiring exhibition space for the… More
Alex Bickerstaff (OMT) and Aaron Sardana (OMT) attended the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award presentation at Buckingham Palace earlier this week. This… More
With exam season upon us, here at Merchant Taylors' School, mental health and wellbeing is at the forefront of our minds. More
The entire MTS Community was saddened by the recent passing, after a lengthy illness, of former Head of Chemistry, Tony Horrox. For almost 40 years,… More
Read on as Aaron P. (Divs) shares his experience of the recent CCF range day. More
Merchant Taylors' Middle School team, 13765K Hydra, had an impressive showing at the 2024 VEX Robotics World Championship in Dallas, Texas. More
Last week Krish T. (L6th) was incredibly fortunate to join a satellite communications company, Viasat, at their European headquarters as a finalist in… More
Our thanks to all the schools that participated in this year’s MTS Science Challenge, where we competed in three challenges each related to a specific… More
Getting top graduate jobs takes a lot of effort, and learning about the processes that recruiters use is one of the key parts of our Sixth Form… More
The entire cohort of Third Formers enjoyed a day of creative exploration on Field Day, as they descended to the banks of the Thames to experience the… More
On Friday 26 April, the CCF Contingent celebrated Inspection Day, the highlight of the training year. Our principal Inspecting Officer was Colonel… More
There have been many concerts devoted exclusively to string music, and so it was felt that an occasion featuring wind and brass music was long… More
On the recent Field Day, several boys, in addition to Mr Tang and Mr Reid, travelled to two primary schools to run a VEX Go Robotics workshop for Year… More
The Fourth Form enjoyed a very interesting trip to the battlefields of the Somme. Read Aidan H's (4ths) account of the trip. More