Since 2018, MTS has celebrated LGBTQ+ Pride Month each June. We do this with two aims in mind. Firstly, it is an opportunity to educate every single…
This week at Panglossia Club, our MFL linguists were treated to an inspirational talk on Comparative analysis of Spanish and Italian texts by Matteo…
The Summer Reading Challenge for our current Thirds, Upper Thirds and Fourths has been launched, alongside those joining us new next year. Classes…
Wrapping up the basketball season this year, we had two players from MTS selected for the LISBA All-Star Game 2024, which was played last Friday on…
The Lower Sixth Biologists embarked upon an adventurous journey into Epping Forest, Essex, in order to complete two core practicals as part of their A…
On Friday 24th May, eighteen Lower Sixth students had the privilege of enriching their fundamental understanding of key principles learnt in their…
This year, we have seen exponential growth in our Lower School Art Club, known as The Art Café. There truly seems to be a burgeoning creative force…